Personal data protection training

Since the GDPR came into force, it’s Addactis’ responsibility to make you aware of the general principles of personal data protection and to train you in order to give you the keys to its day-to-day implementation.

What does GDPR training involve?

We’re not trying to turn you into a GDPR expert! However, personal data protection regulations have been adopted and must be respected by each and every one of us.

mobile phone

This training course is therefore designed to guide and help you to:

Understand the stakes of the GDPR and its consequences on the company’s operations

Master the implementation of GDPR regulations within Addactis and secure the handling of personal data

Put the GDPR into practice in everyday business life by adapting the way Addactis operates (adapting: contracts, staff behavior, etc.)

Understand the penalties for personal data breaches

Know your GDPR rights

What is personal data? What are your rights under the GDPR? How can you exercise them?
With the entry into force of the GDPR, the rights of individuals have been strengthened. However, to be able to fully grasp their scope, it is necessary to understand the very notion of personal data and to know the role of the different stakeholders involved in their processing.
This training course will enable you to better understand all the issues related to GDPR.

Know your GDPR responsibilities

The protection of personal data is not only a right, but also an obligation for every employee in carrying out the missions entrusted to them by Addactis.
Thus, a knowledge of the fundamentals of personal data protection enables you to actively participate in the ongoing and permanent compliance approach led by the ADDACTIS Group.

Contributes to the collective success of Addactis and our clients

The GDPR is one of our clients’ concerns. As their “service provider”, they require us to know and apply the Regulations. Being informed and trained enables us to better identify and understand their issues.

Our GDPR courses

Our training is based on CNIL recommendations to ensure GDPR compliance. Find all the available courses here and pick up where you left off when you last visited the e-learning site.

English courses will be available soon, so stay tuned! Thank you for your patience.

A message from our DPO

DPO Group

Alicia Spote

In addition to the regulatory obligation to train you, the development of this platform aims to enable you to grasp data protection in a simple, fun way and at your own pace.
I hope that the GDPR will no longer hold any secrets for you and that the elements of these courses will be useful to you on a daily basis, both professionally and personally.
Don’t hesitate to come and see me if you’re passing through Paris, or to contact me by email ( with any questions you may have.